Shipping Policy
Lead Time Depending on the item ordered, 11:00 AM Pacific Time is the cutoff for same day shipping. For complete details, see the table below. "Days" refer to business days and do not count Saturday, Sunday or company holidays.
** Orders containing a mix of material types listed in the table above will be shipped using the longest of the lead times listed. If you need one of the items sooner, it would be best to place a separate order for the item(s) needed most quickly.Shipping Services Sidecuts®.com uses UPS and FedEx** Prepaid & Add for all shipments to locations within the United States and Canada. All orders are shipped from Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (FOB: Shipping Point). Customers may choose from several different UPS and FedEx services during checkout including GROUND, 1 Day, 2 Day and 3 Day service options. FLAT RATE GROUND Services May Change Sidecuts®.com reserves the right to change FLAT RATE GROUND orders from FedEx to UPS and vice versa to accommodate production schedules and ensure timely pickup of your order. If you DO NOT want your FLAT RATE GROUND service order switched, please let us know in the NOTES text box during checkout.
International Orders Items ordered on Sidecuts®.com cannot currently be shipped to locations outside of the United States or Canada. For international orders, please contact Brown Metals Company directly. |
Last Updated 01/22/2025